
Start- (h)open


The research project is aimed at the implementation of a web application addressed to startuppers and/or start-up evaluators. The solution will be able to provide structured and integrated information on the ICT / Digital sector and it will also be useful to test the validity of a business idea. The main objective is the development of a hub’s prototype able to integrate open and linked-open data. This data will be provided by both official and non-official statistics and by new informative sources connected to data revolution (i.e. specialized blogs, scientific articles, patents, websites and web pages on online social networks of innovative companies, etc.).

How achievable is my idea?


is it really innovative? or is it just my idea?

Value proposition

does it meet a real market need?


what will my battlefield be?


do I have everything I need?


where is it best to place the business?


Extraction, mapping, integration

Querying, predictive analytics, text mining

User profiling

Representation and storytelling

Prototype development

Valorization, preservation and dissemination

Expected results

Implementing innovative models and techniques to extract information from diverse data sources and building useful indicators
Providing clear, timely, reliable and comprehensive information on the digital sector, able to adapt to the changeability of users’ cognitive needs
Offering a user-friendly guided view of contents to make data truly accessible to everyone
Rationalizing, integrating and enhancing information flows coming from different sources


Project co-financed by the European Union, the Italian State and the Calabria Region in the framework of the POR Calabria FESR-FSE 2014-2020, Axis I – Promotion of research and innovation, action 1.2.2. “Support to the realization of complex projects of research and development activities on a few important thematic areas and to the application of technological solutions functional to the realization of the strategies of S3”.​